Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Skinny Bitch & Skinny Bitch in the Kitch -- Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

I want to be healthy, and have a body that is pure and good and perfect. I don't want to be told I am fat and disgusting, and that eating flesh is wrong and evil and gross, and be pelted with extremely dubious science. I am prepared to believe that eating organic and eating fresh and natural and avoiding chemicals and sugar is bad for you--no, I totally believe it. But I am not prepared to believe that the only way to be healthy is to become a vegan. This is possibly because I am not prepared to give up butter and cheese and milk and yes, animal flesh. Yes, I am looking into agave nectar, because I have never been comfortable with nutrasweet and I am thinking about giving up soda, because really, it is all chemicals, they're right. But I won't stop taking Midol for my cramps, and I am going to continue to enjoy bloody steak, and I am going to continue to be pissed off that they think it is hip and awesome and cool and in any way okay to call their readers disgusting pigs. Okay? Okay.


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