Friday, January 21, 2005

oncoming train

I am a bundle of yay yay yay wrapped around a tiny nugget of lord jesus, please do strike me dead.

School starts this Wednesday. How could I not have realized that? School starts Wednesday and I am ready, except that I'm kind of not. I am also a tiny bit disappointed, because I could not get the class I was interested in getting, which has to do with architecture and prose and the architecture of prose. Structure, bricks, that sort of thing. Maybe some plot and a little putty thrown in.

Unfortunately, that class is full. Building metaphors are big sellers, I guess.

So instead I am taking something that is about the blurring of boundaries between genres. Like poetry and interpretive dance, graffiti and tattooing. Or something. It looks like a class that is all wacky and "experimental" and the instructor is swell, but it somehow doesn't feel as hearty and, I don't know, sturdy, as the building books out of wood class. Maybe what I need is something fluffy my first semester back. Maybe I should take introduction to haikoo.


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